
Subscription keys


A subscription key helps us identity which product you are interacting with and using.

A product is a group of APIs which we have provided you with.

We provide two types of products to help support the different environments you will be working in. One of the product variants is “SANDBOX” and the other is “PRODUCTION”.

Both SANDBOX and PRODUCTION have the same APIs and operations.

⚠️ SANDBOX should be used in pre-production environments where you do not want to commit changes to a live system, such as placing a hire for a new machine.
⚠️ PRODUCTION should only be used in production environments. These requests are against our live system.

Step 1 – Go to APIs:

  1. Log into Developer Portal using the Login link which can be found at the top of this page.

  2. Click on APIs from the top menu

Step 2 – Get a key:

  1. Pick an API product you would like a key for e.g. “Manage hire orders – SANDBOX”

  2. The next screen will have a section on subscription. Give your subscription a name (this is for your own identification purposes), agree to the terms if there are any and get a key.

Managing your keys

We provide a self-service feature which allows you view keys, regenerate the primary or secondary key and cancel subscriptions.

This can be accessed by clicking on “Subscription” on the top menu. This is only available after you have logged in.


Each Subscription gives you a primary and secondary key. This allows for key rotation to improve security.

SANDBOX products allow you to obtain two subscription keys.

PRODUCTION products allow you to obtain one subscription key.

⚠️ Always store subscription keys should be stored securely ⚠️